Recent Pledges

Total Defence – Social Defence

The bonds that unite us, built on trust and understanding among people of different races and religions, living in harmony and looking out for one another.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Erin Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Simon Tan JT
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Teo Beng Seng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
David Wang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dr M Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joseph ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Jin Hoo Michael
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
James Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
GOH Eik Han
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
GOH Eik Sen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Xin Hui
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Christina Tang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Grace Tang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mathew Tang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Vincent Tang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lina Ho
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alvin Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wei Xin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Boon Beng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
William Woon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Toh Bee Hoon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dominic Chia
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Chye Hust
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Edmund Tang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alicia Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alicia Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim chung huat
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Francis Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tay Young Shen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chen Qiuyu
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ms Woo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Cindy Chew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee jiah shyian
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee Jiah Yeon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wong foong yin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
stewart leck
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Wei Huang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chua seng tiong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Zephan Seow
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yi En
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Yul Phang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Yu Hui
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Adrian C
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bjorn C
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Noelle wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Norman wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wong Kok Cheong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Wong Keng Yee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dylan Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Sharon Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chan Mei Foong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alex Au
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Donny Teo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Michelle wang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ryan toh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Pei Pei Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Eric Loi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee Ai Yew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Xing Ming
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Wang Boon Foo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alex Cheng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Yu Ting
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ye Leong Kang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Luo Weijie
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kenneth Leong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Low KY
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Sea Farng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yeo Joo Guan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wesley Mathews
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Fion Cheong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Melody Mathews
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Stanley Mathews
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gladys Thin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Evelyn Chua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Bee Poh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chow Chee Wai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Ah hoi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gario Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
David Chang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Dave Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Felix tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Irene Poh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ean leow
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Hee Yong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Koh Seoh En
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yu Yan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Khoo Jun wayne
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wei Ping
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wee kiet
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Karen Chong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gwen Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Catherine Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dave WKY
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kelvin Chow
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Choon Hock
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chia Kia Leng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Joseph Chuah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Liew Khoy Yan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Shi Ting
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wayne Han
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ong Geok Kwan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Raj Khera
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Elaine Chang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jason Chee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Jing Zhong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ken Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Kok Hean
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
ng yu xin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ryan Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Chee Seng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Winston Djie
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chow Chee Keong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gan Qingwen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Choon Howe
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Darren low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yen Ching
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ping Ming
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Ping Farn
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Daniel Tey
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wendy Zhu
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yung Nguyen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mee Huang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ho Yi Ting
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ho Bin Hua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ho Yi Xuan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ong Chui Ling
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ho Yi Kai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
You Chun
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Zhi Ya
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bing Hu
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eve ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Teo Chin tiong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tony Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chun Shing
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
WK Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sharon Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Max Tum
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
June Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tum Ngiap June
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chan H B
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
King Bin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jacqueline Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Min Jia
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Loke Hong Yew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Erin Elena
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Xin Quan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ho Cheng Fiang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jian kai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Oh Yong Tat
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jingkang Lin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chui Ling
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yong King Bin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Hsiao Wei
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
ng jia wei
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Mingzi von Hanz
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Zavier lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Goh Geok Ngoh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Goh Geok Ngoh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
John Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Adison W
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mabel Wang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chow goon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sharina Bynes
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jean Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jason Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
June tay
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mich Z
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Loh Thin Cheong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Andrew Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Qi En
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eugene Guan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ernest Long
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mel Mak
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Dave Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Clarence Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ngawang Chime
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Keith yong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Sean Ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dallas Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Angeline lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Melvin K
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Pei hao
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Pin Zhen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Siew Ping
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sarah Chin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Faith Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Winnie Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jesz Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alex Liang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Zee tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
John Cheong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Fang JI JiA
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Derick G
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Steven Chua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Celeste tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee Jin Hwui
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Koh Tuan Meng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Koh Tuan Meng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Robert Justin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sun Family
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jason Chia
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Teck moh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Sok Eng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Yew Peng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chua Boon Pin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ivan Yap
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Sean Ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alex Chiang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Ces Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lu qingfeng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
April L
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Elaine Chang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Doreen EnG
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jeffrey Teng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gabriel and Noel
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
TOH Clan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yi Kai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kai Rong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Riduan Rid
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eugene Chew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alvin Xie
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Pempsen Poh Kai Sheng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Nicholas Wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chong Er
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Hanafi Sedik
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Rukia Kuchiki
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ichigo Kurosaki
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
DJ Terence
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Andrew C
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Wei Jun
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Si Hui
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Doreen Eng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Four Seasons Durians
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eddy Jumadie Yaacob
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
CH Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Firdaus Mohamad
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Wee Kiat Sebastian
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lakshman Gatla
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Keep It Fun
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jason Ke
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Shalom International Movers
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Household Service Elite Pte Ltd
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Fresh Cleaning Facilities Management Pte Ltd
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Shalom International Movers
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kenneth Yin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alan lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gary Chua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Seah Kah Lip
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kunj Sachdeva
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Song Kiat
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Nicholas En
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Carolyn Wpk
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
B.h Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Max fong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
KL chai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lucas Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Shariff Ali
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yuki Tan Xue Ling
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Theophane Chan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kenneth Sim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Darrell Heng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Colin Phua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lau Han Hwa
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sox Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Don Yap
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Serene Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Vernon Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Khoo Sze Boon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Benjamin C
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Leck Kiok Joo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
The Ballet Academy
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Matthew Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Danny Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Roger Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Pethouse Supplies Pte Ltd
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Petmart Pte Ltd
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
soon joo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
ASK Training
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Xin Li
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Melvin Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Alvin Chong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Min Long
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Andy Sim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tham Tiem Foo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kan Whye
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Irwin Chua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
MSG Malcom Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
William Chia
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jeffrey Neo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Tien Hsia Language School
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Tien Hsia Language School
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Sock Hoon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Heavenly Wang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ho Hin Seng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tommy Y
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
VisionTech Pte Ltd
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lek Chun Guan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kumar 4D
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
The Good Parent
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ting Chi Yen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
goodVision Global
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
The Social Equity
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jaeson Ng Tiang Ti
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee monica
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Madeleine Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ian Soh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Georgina Chan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Neo San
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Moose 74
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Raj M
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Zack Zhang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Esther Li fj
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chia Kok Young
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ct ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yun Hai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jim Aw
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Henrick Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jaideep Patil
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Marcus Ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Yun Ru
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sol Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kenneth Wee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tay Seow Mei
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Hui Hui
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lau Kee Siong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
John Lingonberry
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Meng Kit
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eng Hill
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wong Ko Foon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eugene Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yen Sen fatt
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gevin Choo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joanne Yap
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Swee Boon Chai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bernard Chan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chia Soon Keong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sardar Ali
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chua Song Chye
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kannan Arumugam
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Esther Ang lian see
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
K Chandra
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mitherpal Singh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Edmund Tin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Terence Tan Jing Chiueh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Doris Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kim Moon Chong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sin Ain
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Marc Liew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Parry lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dennis Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Willy Yap
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
KC Cheriyan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sin Boon Wah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mandy mann
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tina J Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Koo Gek Seah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Francis CHIA
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chee Ling Choong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Goh Leng Seng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kok Wai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Boon Seng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kk Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Parani Gownder Supramaniam
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan AL
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tommy Hsu
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mike Lau
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Shahida Khan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Tashriq Ahmad
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Quek Ser Hiang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chan Mun Hong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chua Boon Heong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Clayton How
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Happy Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wu Zhao De
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Neeran Rai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Thomas Lai Chee Seng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joe Tham
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
S Sivanesan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Desmond Cheong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Soon Kuan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yam Hon Mun
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Paul Dorai Raj
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jimmy Cheong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alex Tay
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan CS
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chan Siew Mun
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yeo GK
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Laura Wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Grace Young
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lo Chin Teik
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Auto Huang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mohandass Somasundram
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Harpal Singh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Leonard Leong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Desmond Ee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Oliver Chen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eddy chew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
John Yong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Swee Boon Chai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Benalda Li
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
James Sim Eng Huat
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
jeremy w
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
liang chian meng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Danny Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Eileen Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Terry Lai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dr. Kenneth Tong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jane Liow
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Stanley Tok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
San Antonio Annaliza
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yeo Katherine
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jefferyston Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
H P Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Jerlynn Ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Darren Yuen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Richard Lau
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Benjamin YEO
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Timothy Loke Jee Hoek
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jerald Praveen Muthu vellaiswamy
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yap Lim Siang Philip
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joseph Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yu Juin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Kenny Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Ah Soon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Alvin Quek
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Kelvin Ezekiel Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
BELLS Institute of Higher Learning
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan A K
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chris Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
James Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Raymond Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sophie Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jason Sin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Teo keng siang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chad Fellas
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Adrian Chew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Biz IQ Academy
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wealth Design Studio
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wealth Design Studio
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Danny Tham
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gunasegaran sinniah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Francis Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Peter Ching
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kenneth Tan Andrew Julian
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Kenneth
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim hua thiam
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Ng Yew Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alvin Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Evan Sim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yang yilun
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee Chee Ming
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sahri bin mohd
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
SpinalAVMSG Warrior Vince
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wee Song He Wilson
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tong Chun
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Irene Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee c.m.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Willie Peh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kwee Hong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
W. Wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Loh Li Wei
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alvin Yong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Maj Ivan Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chia soon yew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Miko ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chye Eng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ken ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Rebecca Leo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jovan Chin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
MB Chester
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
FL Hon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Allan wang chong nong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Nicole Chong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Paradise Now
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Paul Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
David Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chan Soon Weng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tom Wang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joyce Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Loh Chew Chune
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mandy WANG Shuang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Iskander Dzulkarnaien
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yip Kwok Yuen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tay Tok Yong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lok Mun wai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Boon ngee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ken Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
yam yoi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Seng Heng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lily Ahmad
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
James Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee Kunliang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Lobo Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Raymond Cheng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Collin Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Benny Pui
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alex Neo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Troy C
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Cheong Yew Mung
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Cheng Kok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jimmy Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lionel RedRhino
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alvin Tsn
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Isaac Wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
andrew ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kenji TianJun Yu
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Chan Cheok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kevin Wan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eugene Wee Boon Hoe
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Liam KC
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Liew Zhen Hui
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Frederick Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Kia Gan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sam Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bert Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tham Yew Meng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Pang Peak Yoong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kong Hwee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ting Hui
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alyssa Choong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Damon Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Andrew Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Li yuanzheng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Zoe Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joseph Soh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Kam Ming
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jeffrey Linus
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kevin Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gladys Thin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Pang Toh Jin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dave Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jerri Neo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Mohd Zamri
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Wong kai Thong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mark Mu
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alvin Kwok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Trudie Teo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bernard Leong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Siti Raudha Binte Roslie
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yoong Kheong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Willy Ko
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Gary Lim m s
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Daniel Mok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
SpinalAVMSG Vince
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bee Lok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dean Swee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Swee Kaiwen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Doreen Teo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Swee Boon Chai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
SK Yap
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Daniel Shankar Duraisamy
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Melvin Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Aw Kok Pheng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mike A
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Liew Lee Varn
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Muhammad Hairi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yeo Buck Chye
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tay Leng Kiang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
I love SG
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
The Siao Family
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Leong Fook Luen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Clarence Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
So wee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Darien TOCK
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
John Chua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
CY Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tham Lai Mun
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Petrus Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Sardar Ali
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Pauline Loi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Debbie C
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Shannon Ching
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Liao JunQin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim XH
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Alvin Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Bo Jue
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Aldys Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dean Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Tah Wee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Rick Lai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Norman Lai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Neo Say Wei
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Manjit Singh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Cheong Keng Yobg
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Mohd Zaidi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee SJ
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
James Kwok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
RET Vincent Yap
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
CHEE Sing Chuen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan David
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Vincent Nyeo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Stephen Shi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
RedBen Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chung Jeffrey
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Richard Jeremiah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
David Woon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Panadura Lahakaruge Chandrasena
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Benny H Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Bobby Teh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Teo Heng Meow
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mohamed Said Bin Mohamed Yahya
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
EK Sim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
TJ Foo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dennis Chan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Zac Liang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Katsuyori Takeda
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Irene Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Soo Hiang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Deon Toh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Goh Chong Beng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dean Issey
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan King Kheng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yew moon yuen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jimmy Xu
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alan Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Heng Heng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wong Seng Chong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Patrick goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mike Kwek
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Winston KUM
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Watson Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mohd Noor ChevLing
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ethan Peter Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Rahman Rahim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Andrew Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Richard Foo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Goh Diong Keng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Benson Lin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bey Chew Hock
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
William TK Phua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sahana Hameed
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
LT Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Shane AK
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
William Chua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bob Lum
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
CT Yeo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joseph Chua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Yinghao
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Tan Yong Meng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Gilbert Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Ee Soon Quek
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Yeo Thian Koon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Peter Chan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Denny Chew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Jeremy Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Wilson M
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
May P.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Raymond Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Michael Tang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ivan Ho
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Chloe Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Vincent Yeo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
James C.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Jacqueline Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Ng Kee Soon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
GY Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Albert Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Harpal Singh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kim Ryan Dee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Donny Lai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tony E
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Dennis Yip
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
SK Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sophie Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Lim Chee Kong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kwok Ping choon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Chia Soo Pheng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Anthony John
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Swee Boon Chai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Rosalind Chaw
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jonathan Ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Stephen Liu
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Max Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
eRic Choo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Justin Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sam Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Johnny Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Robert Chong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Steven Lai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tham Chong Yean
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yeo Chi Wui Alvin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alan Loo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Alex Wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Raymond Chang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee Keng Mao
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Paul Rodrigues
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Peh Keng Tat
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Darren Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chua Sew Khuang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jia jie
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jun Long
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ivan Tan Tau Sing
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sam Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jason Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Loo Kee Eng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Nicholas Tatly
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ben Nah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bernard Sia
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jordan Ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Li Leng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Koh Pee Kok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yew keong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Danel kwong kok hong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Duane Reginald Ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chow Mun Wah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Cheong Hai Poh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
chow kim han
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tony How
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dr Richard Soh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
William Fong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ryan Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Randall H
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Zul Effandy
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee Chye Kiah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Max Teo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Kai Meng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Paul Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Vincent Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Be Prepared At All Times For Any Form of Type Of Contingencies
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Desmond Siew
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Danial Sufyan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Benson Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jeffrey Kok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Nelson Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee Kim Beng James
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kian Meng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bobby Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tay Seng Kong Louis
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Loke Tjin Liong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
James Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joseph Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wilson C
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Steven Goh Robo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Guan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
YC Wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Fong WC
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Peter Wee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jason Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
W Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Md Ridhwan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Stanley Fong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eric Law
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
How kk
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Andy Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jeffery Tang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yeo Sung Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Antony P
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan Leong Hong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ritzni Nashrin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gary TAN
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ai Leng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Albert Wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mohammad Amin Bin Ismail
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Daniel Loo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joseph Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Jensen Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jane Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wilson Yeo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tay Kian Tiong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Simon wang sn
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jason Gan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jeffrey Chen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Richard Wee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yeow Kok Hoong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Steven Roch
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wong Weng Kin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Big G
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
See Hock Heng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joel Tay
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yang Tong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ramarau Perumal
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chia Kok Koon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mr Nor Cahya
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lim Chin Guan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kelvin Ong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Junior Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tham Mun Kong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mohamed Shahril
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lau Gim Tong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Alvin Koe
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Samuel Veera Singaram
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Eric Woon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joe Chen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joseph Chow
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Andy Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Celina Low
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Nazmul Khan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mok Heng Ngee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bee Bee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Marcus Yip
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Han Shun Chou
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ng Bih Huey
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Oh Kt
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Cedric Chua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Brian Lan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Valbarez Joy
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sirajudeen Bin Syed Mohamed
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Aaron Yeo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Muhamed Haris
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
CJ Ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
William Wee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Rosco Chen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jackson Wang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Pan Zaiqing
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ong Pang Yaw
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Glory Yam
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan ch
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
chin lian
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jonathan Ho
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
David Chen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Chow Cheok Kai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Cee Leah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
KK Phua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ser Siong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
William Sim Juay Cheow
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Raj M
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Donald Yeo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
SLTC Jeremiah J Mark
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tim wong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sim Kian Kok
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tan z j
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Esther Li fj
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
T T Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Cyber Calvin Chua
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lu qingfeng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Kira Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Xiao Bai
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Fei Ying
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Vidya Vidyasagar
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Joel Tay
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lee H L
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Lawrence Chan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yeow Tiong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jason C
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Irene Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Terry Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Sim Wan Shaun Dylon Marcus
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Yong Lu
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
2LT Timothy Lim Shu Han DyS1 IVTS
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Justin Chen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Dan Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Turtle jack
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Christopher S
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wei Hao
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mike Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jing Heng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jia Hui
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wei En
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jeremy Ng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Xin Yi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Si Ming
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Wei Hao
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Koo Tiannuo
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
Wayne Ang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Chew Weida
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Roysten Lee
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Bryan Goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Victor Chick
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Elvin Chen
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Tham Lai Mun
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Iron Eagle
pledging towards Social Defence
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Stan Tay
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Gladys Thin
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Goh SH
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jean goh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Compassionate mon
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Jeremy Pang
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ho Hin Seng
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Ernest Aristorenas
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
Nicklaus Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
S T Chan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Han Yi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Siti Shahidanafisah
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Nicholas Koh
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Mark Lim
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Nick Cordeiro
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Akmal Rifqi
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Fion Cheong
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Margaret Chan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
Juliana Tan
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.
- by befriending fellow citizens from other communities, and building strong bonds with them over common Singaporean experiences.
- by looking out for and helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us.
pledging towards Social Defence
- by being sensitive and respectful of other races in Singapore, and learning more about their traditions, cultures, religions, and heritage.

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